This is my prayer, this is my poem…

Holy Father of heaven and earth, draw us Your children near. We busy ourselves and move so fast – that at times we don’t lend You our ear.
So, our feet get on moving, moving ever so fast and just like the Pilgrim in the old Classic story, we ever so slightly go off the path.
But God, we had no idea that we’d run into ‘Giant Despair’! Yet, in the seemingly hopeless situation- You are still there.
Immanuel, You are called; God with us, we are told, and reminded each year as the carols ring old.
Christmas has come, and Christmas has gone and there is no denying Your gentle touch of grace – my heart is stirred and encouraged that there is no mountain too high or valley too low that You Lord won’t help us to face.
So, in this new year, my heavenly Father, may I take some time to ‘hallow’ Your Name – not just now, but each new day, yes, each and every day, the same. Slow me down in the morning to give You my ear, to glean from Your wisdom, to know where to steer. And in the evening, will You help me gather the courage, sufficient courage to pray a hard prayer:
“O search me O God, and know me through. Test me and know  – even my thoughts, I ask You. Is my heart hard as a stone? Then please make it flesh. Lead me O LORD in Your mercy and forgiveness.””Search me O God!” this is what I pray. “Lead me in Your love, in Your ‘self-less’ Way.”
And when I wake on each ‘morrow-morn’- may I humble myself to receive what You say.
Oh, and how thankful I can start each new day remembering Your stead-fast love never ceases and Your mercies never end! It’s Your kindness that leads us to repentance O LORD. Satan wants us to believe You are hard and demanding with a frown on Your face –
but it’s not true – I can see You smile, as step – by – step we each run our race!
So, Lord Jesus, I don’t know what this year will bring, but I pray that You search me and lead me and fill me with Your song. That no matter what happens, I surrender to trust You…to trust You with my cares, because You are mine and to You, the King of the Universe, I belong!
Thank You dear Jesus, even the mess that I am, that by believing in You, You’ve covered me in Your blood and called me Your Friend, but not only that, Your Bride I will be and I really can’t wait – I  look to the heavens and wait with great joy, knowing that that’s where my home  really is,  in heaven with You , for all e-ter-ni-ty!
But as for today… I am  Your prisoner Lord! But I am so free, freer than ever before and I’m given each hour here on this earth to point others to You and tell them that You love them and that You have a plan-a plan that is good and not one that brings harm.
A plan with a future and hope for all who believe. And You’ve given me hope that all will receive! “Today, today!” that is what I hear from You my Great Shepherd. So I follow close to Your feet and ask that You keep me from wandering. Here’s my heart Lord, take and seal it…
let me hear Your love song to me, each day… in Your word.
This is my prayer, this is my poem. Dear Jesus, until the day… that You call me home.
I love you, I love you, I love you again, my Jesus my Savior, to You I pray, Amen!

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni

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