The writing of my book…is the life I live every day!

I began writing. It is something God put on my heart…and yes, I am writing a book, perhaps someday something I write will actually be published, and perhaps not, but God is showing me, the book that is being written is the life I choose to live EVERYDAY!

So on my birthday, I would like to share one of the first things I wrote in August of 2012, (after my son Jared helped me get started on this blog which has no pictures and fancy fonts because I am not ‘tech-savy’), but it’s about the greatest treasure in my life, (next to Jesus), the Bible the word of God…(which is the very breath of God Himself written just for you and me!)

I want to write a book on how The Book transformed me!It is the year 2012. Technology, information, words here, there, and EVERYWHERE! Read books! Have you read this? Have you read that?

You see, there is a Book, that tends to look boring on the outside, but inside it is actually 66 Books! Yes,  (what some would call the ancient writings,) the Bible, is not just black and white letters on a page.
The Bible is THE  very Word of God.  How do I know? Because I have asked God to show me who He is in this Book and He is faithfully revealing Himself more and more every day! (I think that is where the word ‘glorious’ comes from! Discovering truths about God.)
If it is true that ‘the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart’, and ‘if there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him of whom we must give account’, (Heb.4:11-13) then shouldn’t we be curious to look into this living Book to learn more about who God REALLY is?
I have a dear friend, Andrea, who is a most amazing woman of God. She would not want to hear me say that though! She simply reads her Bible. And she also journals each and every day whatever the Lord showed her on that particular day. And she has been doing this for years and years.  We live in a broken world, and just like you and me, my friend has suffered greatly in this broken world- but you see, she has a Treasure in her ‘earthen vessel, and by daily spending time in this Book, and jotting down some thoughts about it- she is , yes a broken vessel, but Oh,  the light of the treasure that she has within , she is a beaming light for Him!
How do I know that this Book is a LIVING  and POWERFUL BOOK and that I desperately need to be ‘making’ time in my schedule for it? Because my friend has the light of the Lord beaming from her as well as good understanding and wisdom, and also she has the love of the Lord.
So I never could start a Bible Journal. I suppose I ‘could’ have, I just didn’t do it! Not  UNTIL I went though my cancer fight beginning in August of 2012. So I kept it short and simple, and decided to enter it every day on my fb status update!
I would like to put my story and my Bible Journal/fb status! into a book for one purpose: to inspire the reading of God’s Word in all my children and many more besides, and also that we might begin to journal our journey!
Because yes, we live in a broken world, and yes, we will be broken, but how glorious to have a Treasure that dwells in our ‘cracked pots’ and the Word shows us what is Truth. Then we will be able to have lives that ‘trumpet the truth’ for when the enemy comes to attack; “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” 2Cor 4:7
I think there is one more purpose for this book, and that is to inspire others  to finish a project that God has laid on their heart and bring it to completion! “He that began a good work in you will bring in to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”(Phil 1:6)
So, yes, I plan to finish the book that God wants to write in and through me. He is writing a book called, ‘God’s Hand’ on the page and in my everyday! “Today!” “Today!” I hear my Good Shepherd say! For you, for me, let us trust and obey and heartily say, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” Phil 4:13, and yearn to to believe it! Shall we write those books?!

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni