Praying for Paris

Praying for Paris… “Lord, that You would lead the hurting people ‘beside still waters, and restore their souls.’ Lord, that the tear filled eyes and bleeding hearts look to Your face and see Your Heart of mercy and grace, ‘that the Table prepared before our enemies…The broken bread, the wine , brings a Communion of hope in Remembering You came – for each one of us, no matter what nation, race or creed- we are all the thief next to Jesus on the cross… But You came to save us from death by Your blood… we pray for revival, we pray for those lost, we pray for those who need healing, we pray , “Jesus, You are the Son of God, heal us and protect us!” You are the gift sent from God… “Hear our cries! We believe! ‘ That ‘the Lord would be my Shepherd, we have such need! We have need!’ And to the thief on the cross, You did say, “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” And those are Your words to all who call on Your name, ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with Me’. Today we pray for the world. That it turns away no longer from Jesus, and each heart and all eyes turn TO Him, He is our refuge, our Comfort, a very present Help and Friend.” In Jesus name amen.

Author: Toni Rypkema

I'm a believer in Jesus. Because of this, I am married to a wonderful husband and the mom of a large family. For those who have battled cancer, or any other tragedy or disease, you might understand, I had a choice to get better or bitter. I chose to give thanks to Jesus for my every breath. For that reason alone, wanting to proclaim His goodness, do I write - Toni