Quite honestly, I believe God guided, directed, and breathed into my young high schooler’s fingers at the time while he was working on this in his High School art class years ago, September 2010.
Jonathan had not presented me with any art he had completed before this time. (I suppose he felt under the shadow of his older brothers and sister.) However, God had plans.
Two weeks after my diagnosis, and before going in for chemo, this was what he presented to me.
No words. The picture said everything I needed.
Perhaps, today, it says everything you need.
This budding artist wrote later of his piece,
“My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, . . . It came as a shock to my whole family. Through these struggles the concept of this piece was discovered. The hand formed by waves is symbolic of the presence of God and how He is there with you through hard times, whether it be sickness or the loss of a loved one.”
This morning, years later, I read in my Spurgeon’s Devotional Bible, this poem:
“Our times are in Thy hand. Why should we doubt or fear?
A Father’s hand will never cause His child a needless tear.
Our times are in Thy hand, Jesus, the Crucified!
The hand our many sins had pierced is now our guard and guide.
Today, today, let us trust His faithful hand to lead, and guide,
and provide as we go our way.
Amen, in His name,