For the three people in the whole world who can call this man, Dad,
I dedicate this post to you.
Dear Ella, Caroline, and Jeremy,
To you—his children, his special treasures, his pride and joy, the apples of his eye, I share a grand memory from years past.
First: a Bible verse.
There’s a Bible verse that quickly brings my mind to your dad. I’m sure you can name it right away, but I must repeat it because it’s big, wonderful, rich, and full of grand vision and faith, like your dad:
Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see.
For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you Isaiah 60:1.
Yes, this verse and more.
Your dad loved the Lord, and the Lord gave him moving passion to gather and unite youth, families, and entire communities together.
Your dad had a huge vision. And he moved on it in the strength and Spirit of the Lord and encouraged all those around him to do the same.
Isaiah 60:2 states, Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth,
but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.
“Let’s go!” Much like the heart of Caleb in the Bible, was the character of your dad, Shea Willis. “Let’s go and shine God’s light . . . this was your dad’s heart, every place God directed him.
When my kids were in youth group, God gave your dad a vision to bring “the glory of the Lord” to the old, forgotten town of Allendale, SC.
“What’s Allendale?” We would ask. Your dad gathered people and brought minds together to discuss the needs of the sad and depressing town.
Suddenly, because of a big vision, and huge faith in God and God’s great provision, leading, and Spirit, your dad inspired people in the body of Christ to arise.
Arise . . . Let your light shine for all to see.
For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you.
-Prayer walks were scheduled around Allendale. Many, and often. Suddenly, youth were spending time walking neighborhoods to pray for families, individuals that walked by, the local businesses and churches. Parents joined in. Families were praying together for others.
This was because your dad had a vision from the Lord and the courage to move others out in it.
Oh, yes. This was a special man.
-Interviews took place with pastors of neighboring churches to help bring unity to the town. Time was invested to listen to their hearts and concerns. Pastor and people in Allendale became excited and hopeful.
-A house was secured for many youth and mentors to stay in.
-A chef was designated and many sous-chefs for the planning and organizing to feed the crowd for morning breakfast, lunches, dinners, drinks, and desserts. People in the church that had culinary skills were now volunteering for service.
-Sign-ups were made for families to get involved to help provide food and donated paper products, etc.
-Vans secured, man power found, music opportunities granted.
-Servants volunteered time to help with the children at the local VBS.
-Bible studies were planned for morning devotionals and night studies.
-Designated yards and grounds were chosen to repair.
-Poison Ivy medicine and a proper first-aid station were packed.
Faith was increased.
Fellowship happened.
Prayers took place.
Laughter was found.
Friendships were made.
Healing occurred.
Worship of God transformed hearts.
First aid was applied.
Salvation came.
Physical ground was changed.
Lives were forever impacted.
All because God gave a man a vision, and he said, “Let’s go!” This was your dad.
The Lord looked down from heaven and was pleased. The body of Christ was breathing in Jesus and breathing out in healthy service to God, not always knowing the next step but agreeing in prayer each step the Lord to lead.
We felt the glory of the Lord rise. Yes, the Lord is good. This is only one story. There are many adventures your dad led and brought the light of Christ to arise and shine.
Your dad’s celebration day on March 21st brought people together and over 250 watching online.
We sorrow with you in your loss. We will never cease to pray for God’s continual comfort on each of you.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit Psalm 34:18.
We take great comfort in His Word. Your dad encouraged the kids when they were down, lonely, and needed a friend, that in reading through the Gospel of John they should put themselves right there to walk with Jesus.
As you grow, and have an aching heart missing your dad, I pray that when you read through or listen to the Book of John, you experience an adventure with Jesus, and your dad, who’s with Him now, and your broken-heart feels comfort and healing.
And, with love, I share this memory with you, dear Ella, Caroline, and Jeremy.
Isaiah 60 will always remind me of your special dad.
In His love and grace,
-Mrs. Toni , (and the five Rypkemas that were touched by your dad, your mom, and each of you: Liz, Grace, David, Anneliese, and Matthew).
No longer will you need the sun to shine by day,
nor the moon to give its light by night,
for the Lord your God will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.
Your sun will never set;
your moon will not go down.
For the Lord will be your everlasting light.
Your days of mourning will come to an end.
All your people will be righteous.
They will possess their land forever,
for I will plant them there with my own hands
in order to bring myself glory.
The smallest family will become a thousand people,
and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation.
At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen Isaiah 60:19-22.