“To all who will hear, this day and the next, I speak every day, in My word tucked away. Behind an old, and boring and plain black, dark cover – are riches divine and beauty so glorious. I wait and I wait with long-suffering, oh that My child would open again and discover, and even hunger, to spend time with… Me, that once again, his heart would sing.
The Words don’t always flow, in the minds made of dust, and the Words are a mystery and at times make man bust – But I, the True and Living God, the One who is The Way, I AM the One who creates and blesses, I Am the One who gives and takes away. I AM the One to Trust, I am the One who breathes understanding. I AM the ONE who …loves. I AM the strength and the song you are seeking!
I am ‘gracious and compassionate and so slow to anger’,(Psalm 103:8), yet the lies never cease to paint a picture of Me that is hard and cold and far-removed from it all, ready to take away life – yet that is what I give – to the child that calls.
Come, my children both young and old – speak in My hearing, call on My name, spend time with Me, I miss you the same…OH, how I long… to hear from your voice. I long for you. Can you hear My words above all the noise?
My words are clear, and to a heart that hears, there is refreshing and peace more costly than gold , “The LORD is near to all who call…to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him…He hears their cry.” (Psalm 145:18). There is no lie in Him, ‘no shadow of turning’ I AM – the – Truth!
I am Creator, and though some don’t believe, I’ve put a blank spot in each heart that is void. I wait, and I wait until I hear My Name called – I won’t force My way in…I am ‘GentleMan’ after all! Does your heart long for God? I know that it does, I made it that way! ‘Call unto Me, and I will answer and show you great and mighty things you don’t even know!’ (Jer. 33:3).
My children, you are lied to and deceived and mistaken. Do you want to hear the Truth of the Story? The whole awful mess that My children are in, has all been written, as early as Chapter 3. I Am ‘Ever present’. I AM full- aware. My heart DOES break, but I have provided the cure – My One and Only Son, I have given to you, as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” He died on that tree at Calvary.
I am Creator, I am Father in Heaven, I Am Holy, yet, I AM – full – of – mercy!
The time is short…days have grown evil. Evil upon evil, ’tis true. But take heart, My children, who choose to hear My voice – take refuge in the pages that have been written. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says…”(Rev. 2:7), To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of Paradise…”(Rev. 2:7). “Thus saith the LORD.” Take heart My children, simply open up your ear, and take refuge in ME – (for ALL have been bitten!)
My children, I have called, and I have given you choice…“Let the little children come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14). I Love you forever, because I AM love, to all who believe and all who receive, and call on My name – I HEAR your voice!
I give you direction, I give you protection. I give you provision, comfort, and LIFE. But don’t make up your own truth, the way you would like it… the Father knows best…I am Holy… I am Holy… I – AM – Holy…Obey the words that you read in the pages! Yield to the Spirit – OH how blessed you will be!
Take time to know Me – in the best curriculum yet – in Matthew, and Mark, and Luke, and John. Walk with My Son, and you will discover ‘what is love’. Obey Him, surrender, and seek HIS Way, not yours. And you, My child, you will discover what it truly is, and even far above, above your own understanding, what it is to be happy and blessed and to be held in the very Hand of the One you’ve been seeking all along, the One whose very nature is LOVE!
Author: Toni Rypkema
A mamas poem…
On the mantle – is a picture of you…a precious moment, a precious time. But so much more, a mama sees… she sees love so deep, and she ‘feels’ it too! A mama’s love is much like God’s you know – but yet it’s not – a ‘best-friend’ she may not be, but loving you most, next to God – THAT’s what mamas DO – on the mantle of her heart, is a picture of you.
I want you to know that if I could, I would- give you so many gifts, SO much, you know. If I could just wrap up a gift, just for you, so you could see, how very special you are to me…so unique, filled inside – and – out with SO much beauty. On the mantle of my heart is a picture of you, near or far, on this side of heaven or the other side…always and forever, your mama – loves – YOU!
Each day I have breath, I wake up to see, …that on my mantle is a picture of you. Do you know what else hangs on that wall of my heart? Its a picture of a church with a steeple and all. You see, God is the beginning of ‘being alive’ in this life. Before I had Him, I was filled with fear and great strife.
I held it all together with my own feeble ways, until it all crashed, and I was all broken inside. I asked Him to come in. “Jesus, who are You? I don’t know You at all. Please show me and heal me, forgive me of sin.” – So He came into my heart and He abides with me still, each and every day, for all eternity as well!
So I write you a poem from the depth of my heart, just arranging some words on a page. But they aren’t just words, and they aren’t just pictures, they are the heart beat of a hug even when there’s great distance. A mamas heart is near beside you – on those cold and hard days, and when there is great happiness. You see, on the mantle of my heart is a picture of you, hold on to this truth, whatever you do.
So in thinking of the ‘best and most perfect gift’ a mama can give, I’ve come to this conclusion: That I paint for you a picture that points to the cross, and I sing some notes that stay on your mind. I point to the King, because He loves you best! And I sing of His glorious love and forgiveness. On the mantle of my heart is a picture of you, near or far – on this side of heaven or the other side – trust in Him and seek His face – He loves you most – keep your eyes on Him as you run your race!
And as a comforter, (not as perfect as God’s, I must say), pull up to your chin when you feel sad and lonely, that on the mantle of mamas heart is a picture of you. I love you. Now go…and be a blessing to others!
"little one's to HIM belong. They are weak, BUT HE IS STRONG…"
“Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me…the Bible tells me so:” The so, so, SO little- even the unborn babies are seen by Him: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; And I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5).
“This is My word over you. I tell you the Truth, because I AM the Truth. I LOVE YOU, because I AM love. I sing over you precious baby – unborn, and newborn, and young and even very old (!), I sing over you with joy and with rejoicing and silent satisfaction, I AM the Lord your God, the Mighty One, I bring Salvation. To the very young whose hearts are Mine, and the older child who receives Me and not the lie.”
“Even before the day you could speak, I ordained you a ‘prophet to the nations!'” (1.)
“How?” you may ask, deep down in your heart?
“My dear child, without words, you speak because you were created in Our Image. In the image of God, you were created.” (2.)
“But, what’s THAT image?” you ask with big question.
“My image, the image of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is…Love.” (3.) My song that I sing over you without question, even if days were so short to see light, even then my precious baby, I sing over you in the night. I AM the beginning. I AM the end.(4.) I write the songs. I sing to you again, … and again:
“Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong…” “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you to Myself, and I have continued My faithfulness to you, without end…(5.) Yes, I rejoice over you with singing. I AM your Father in heaven- I sing to you again,…and again.
‘Jesus loves me, He who died. Heavens gate to open wide. He will wash away my sin, let His little child come in. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.’ “My precious baby, My precious child.The words seem ‘dark’ when they speak of My death, but I have died that you might live. There is no death in Me – Your Heavenly Father, He gave you His Son. He sent Me. And I brought ‘death’ to death, you’ve been set free, to live with Me…for all – of – eter – ni – ty.”
“I’ve got your heart, dear little one, even if you never had hope to see the sun. My babies -the love that flows from all of My being, YOU know… you KNOW, even though light of earth’s day you never did see. My Light as I gathered you in My arms gave you breath! You are mine, I have your heart. I’ve paid the debt!” I have also the hearts of the yielded ones too. Let’s sing together this verse on the hymn- pages: “Jesus take this heart of mine. Make it pure and wholly Thine. Thou hast bled and died for me. I will hense-forth live for Thee.”
‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34). These are My words. This is My heart. “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants I have perfected praise” (6.) This is Truth. I AM the word, they are the prophets from the very start!”
“Jesus loves me He will stay, close beside me all the way. He’s prepared a home for me. And someday, His face I’ll see. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so!” This is the song I sing over you my children. I AM beside you all the way, “When you pass through the waters I will be with you, and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned or scorched… (6.) For I AM your Savior. I AM the Lord God. I AM the holy one. I -Am – yours!”
- Zephaniah 3:17/ (2.) Genesis 1: 27 / (3.) 1John 4:8 / (4.) Revelation 22:13 / (5.) Jeremiah 31:3/ (6.) Matthew 21:16 /
"…He had me open the hymnal to get me out of the rubble!"
The realities of this life have my heart restless, my mind over-worked, anxious thoughts have me stirring like a wave! Then the lies of the world flood in like a torrent: “There is NO help in God!” I can’t settle down! I just can’t see! I’m fretful, and anxious, and so very sad! I can’t hear His voice! This is a test, and I’m failing-I see mountains and clouds, BUT God sees my mess – So I ‘just do the next thing’ as I sit near the shelf and pull down the hymnal and open: “The Haven of Rest”!
“My soul, in sad exile, was out on life’s sea. So burdened with sin and distressed, ‘Til I heard a sweet voice saying, “Make Me your choice,” And I entered the haven of rest. I’ve anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I’ll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o’er the wild, stormy deep, In Jesus I’m safe evermore.”
‘The tempest is sweeping‘, these words ring so true, of this world that is changing each day! The great temptation to fear and to fret is ever so present and near! “I’ve anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest…” these words in this hymnal do test! They test me, they ask me, “Have you anchored your soul?” And, “where is it’s place?” Is it in ‘sad exile out on life’s seas? Is your heart burdened with sin and distressed? Do you hear only the news and all of it’s noise?
“Make Me your choice,”this is not a one-time decision! But moment by moment at best, to hear that sweet voice say, “Make- Me- your- choice” and ‘anchor your soul in the Haven of Rest.’
“I yielded myself to His tender embrace, And faith taking hold of the Word, My fetters fell off, and I anchored my soul, and the haven of rest is my Lord.”
“I’ve anchored my soul…” ‘I’ve anchored my soul…” This indicates to me, a ‘STOP!’ To anchor and ‘Be Still and know He is God’ so I hear once again, His sweet voice. By faith I will speak this hymn, every word: ‘I yielded myself to His tender embrace, And faith taking hold of the Word, My fetters fell off, and I anchored my soul, and the haven of rest is my Lord.”
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow – yet MY emotions and hormones do change- moment by moment, not just a one-time thing, I’d like to make Jesus my choice! God is a ‘very present help in times of trouble’, and when He saw all the mess, He had me sit and be blessed and He brought me this hymn I didn’t know! To read the words and be touched in my trouble – God had me open the hymnal, to be a present help – to get me out of the rubble!
“The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole, Has been the old story so blest. Of Jesus, who’ll save who-so-ever will have A home in the haven of rest. I’ve anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I’ll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o’er the wild, stormy deep, In Jesus I’m safe evermore!” (The Haven of Rest, Henry L. Gilmore).
“Make Me your choice.” OK, Lord, I will. But you know I will fail! ” then, just make ME your choice!”With ME you are safe…evermore!”
"So what is this song that you're singing?"
“From my heart I sing a song that’s true! I have said, “I Do!” To the ‘Lover of my soul’, because He has made a Covenant love to me -He died on the cross- and I have said, “I believe.” “Yes, I receive!”
“No one can stand before a Holy God – there’s no great ‘work’ I can do – not one. The payment we owe for our sin is death – So God in His great love sent His only Son.”
So, “what is the song that you’re always singing?” you ask. “There is forgiveness with Him, and ‘plentious redemption’ and there is mercy, and compassion and loving-kindness!” “This is the song that I sing, even in the dark. Because He lights my way and promises to never depart!”
“That’s what you believe, but I’ve been taught contrary. What makes your love, Truth above mine? I will strive to listen and even tolerate to be kind.”
“My love is altogether lovely, ” (Song of Solomon 5:16). Have you not heard the Song? “His voice and speech are exceedingly sweet; Yes, His is altogether lovely – The whole of Him delights and is precious. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jer-u-sa-lem!” (Song of Solomon 5:16, Amplified).
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? My love is pure. There is no darkness in Him. (Ps. 139:12), My beloved is courageous, even to be a friend of sinners (Matthew 11:19). He is gentle, yet strong to protect me completely! Do you understand? He is ‘chiefest’, (that means superior of all!) He is ‘chiefest among ten – thou -sand!'” (Song of Solomon 5:10).
“This is the song that I am always singing! Ask Him if these things be SO! I did, and He showed me, and He took me and He loved me and He calls me…He calls me, His own!”
“I am my beloved’s – His eyes are on me! He does not condemn – not my beloved- His eyes have sympathy. He spoke to me when I was far off, yet I lifted my eyes, and called out His name…He told me, “I forgive you. I love you, I’ve paid your debt in full – Be Free.”
“Can I convince you as well? To know the lover of my soul? There is none like God, ‘Logos’, ‘the word’ (Jon 1:1). He came in the flesh and dwelt among us, (John 1:14). His love has touched my heart -because He lives- I am whole! His tomb is empty! He is not there! But I see Him living His life in me, because He gives of His Spirit liberally!
“Come with me brothers and sisters and daughters and sons and seniors who have walked a long thorny path, let’s go down to the River to pray and talk to our Savior today. Simply believe and receive that it’s so! He promises to be Husband, protector and friend, provider -He is the ‘Lover of your soul’ from the beginning to the end! He is my strength, He is my Jesus. He is my very breath, the whole day long! THIS is my beloved, HE IS MY SONG!”
Have you forgotten, "I AM your Shield and your exceedingly great reward."
“the LORD, my God will enlighten my darkness…” over and over again.
"Oh! How we need Christmas in July!"
“Oh! How we need Christmas in July!”
“Christmas?! For what?! Please, tell me why?”
“Well, it’s not about shopping, the stress and all that- it’s remembering Jesus-He came to save us-to redeem us-complete!”
“Oh! How we need Christmas and hear once again, “Joy to the world, the LORD is come!” How we so desperately need to let these words ring…‘Joy to the world, the LORD is come! Let -earth -receive- her -King!”
“The news is SO bad, but to ‘whosoever’ has received, we cry out in the wilderness: “Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing…” Yes, we need Christmas in July! We will sing with the heavens, ‘and heaven and nature sing’ – we choose to rejoice and sing to our King!”
We are told in God’s word what to do when times of dark, thunderous clouds appear. We are to ‘aim at and seek the rich and eternal treasures above’ – to ‘set our minds’ on higher things – not on things that are near! (Col. 3:2, Amplified, and my paraphrase)!
“Oh, how we need Christmas this July to raise our thoughts and praise even higher than the skies! “Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!” This is the song we must sing again! The media is one-sided, we MUST HAVE GOOD NEWS! “Joy to the earth, the Savior Reigns!”
“He rules the world with truth and grace. And makes the nations prove, the glor -ies of – His righteousness – and wonders of His love! AND – WONDERS of HIS LOVE!” The people raise their fists against Him to mock and scorn and fight and sue…
But JESUS, in great agony on the cross, spoke these words: “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34).
“Oh, how we need Christmas! Everyday, in fact. To bear gifts of myrhh, and gold, and frankenscence- “No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground.’ For ‘as the world is concerned, we have died – we have been crucified with Christ (Col 3:1) – but He rose! And we live! It makes perfect sense:
“The life that we now live in the flesh we live by faith IN HIM – and He comes ‘to make His blessings flow. Far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found… “He comes to make His blessings flow! Joy to the world, the Lord is come! He is King. He rules the world, and He rules with Truth and Grace! ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16). Oh the ‘wonders of His love’ He comes to make – His- blessings – FLOW!’ Jesus came so HIM we could know!”
“Oh- Let us bring Christmas to our hearts each new day. Let us bring ‘Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns!’ He’s on the throne! He’s in control! Let us sing, let us say, (even today), “Let men their songs employ!” When Christ who is our life appears, then we will also appear with Him in glory! Let us bring Christmas to each and every day, giving thanks to Him with praise and hope and sharing the gift of the Good News! His-STORY!’
You don’t need a hymnal, you have heard this song. Hear the words and be glad today: He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove – the glories of His righteousness, and wonders of His love, And wonders of His love…“Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.”(Luke 23:34).
“…and won-ders, WON-DERS – of – His – LOVE!” Yes, we must set our minds on things above! Christmas in July- because a ‘cheerful heart is good medicine’ this is all the medicine I need for today! Jesus Christ came as a baby to die on that dreadful cross that I might have LIFE, instead of death…for my sin!
“O Come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvations.” (Ps. 95:1). “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion…(Hebrews 3:15). Joy to the earth! The Savior reigns! Let men, their songs…employ! Even in July, let us remember these things and tell the world that the LORD REIGNS!
(Joy to the Word, Isaac Watts).
Jesus, silent? … He is not! Nations? 'a drop in the bucket' He sees your heart!
“She needs a miracle!”
This mother who’s child was sick must have been watching Jesus for some time, in that she spoke the Jews’ dialect in her cry to Him: “Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.”” (Matthew 15:22).
“But He answered her not a word.” (Matthew 15:23).
“And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she cries out after us.” (Matthew 15:23).
Jesus was silent, and the followers of Jesus were ‘cold-hearted’ and impatient and more, BUT the woman…she was desperate and she knew something deep down… that, He was her only hope. She was ‘turning her eyes upon Jesus’ and she was ‘looking full in His wonderful face.’ Then, Jesus spoke, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
Is this even worse than silence? Is this “No?” from the mouth of the Lord? Stop! Right now and look at God’s word – my heart is overflowing to write the next verse: “Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!”
Jesus broke His silence to tell this desperate woman who came seeking Him, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” ‘The lost sheep of the house of Israel?’ We ‘know’ what that means, the ‘Jews’, but perhaps for you and me today, in our short amount of time in reading the Bible this morning…after praying, “Lord, speak to me today before I go out about the busy-ness of the time You’ve given me today.” You are showing me that, yes, You came for the Jews, but perhaps even more! ‘You don’t see as other people see- YOU ARE LOOKING AT THE HEART! ‘The lost sheep of Israel’? The meaning of the name Israel? Those who ‘strive with God’.
Of course, ‘Israel’ is a nation, but today, one who ‘strives with God’, as this woman did, with all her heart, believing Him to be her only hope…she was a lost sheep ‘striving with God!’
This is not just a history lesson, this is a lesson for me and perhaps you! Amazing, that Jesus had just PREVIOUSLY been with the Pharisees, (the religious leaders!) from Jerusalem and He spoke Isaiah’s prophesy to them saying, (Matthew 15:7-9)”These people draw near to Me with their mouths, and honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.”
Jesus was not silent! Jesus spoke, “…but their heart is far from Me.” This woman heard His words! This woman believed with all her heart that Jesus could help her! This Canaanite, Gentile woman was 100% there! With her whole heart she was seeking Jesus: “…she came and worshiped Him, say, “Lord, help me!” (Matthew 15:25).
“So what happened next?” you might be asking. Jesus answered: “But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” (Matthew 15:26).
In today’s language Jesus answered her, “It is not good to give the children’s bread” (the children being the Jews, and the bread being their Messiah, the Bread of Life) “and throw it to the dogs.” (or ‘toss it to the Gentiles’) –
I am not a theologian! I am a child of God, seeking and searching for truth each day in His word. Jesus speaks: (And the same words that Jesus spoke to His mother, He spoke to this Canaanite woman), “O woman,” and then He added, “Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her child was healed that very hour.(Matthew 15:28).
There are ‘religious leaders’ whose hearts were ‘far from Him. But not this woman! She was right there! Her whole heart was desperate for Him. And Jesus response to this ‘outsider’, this Gentile? “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” (Matthew 15:28).
Today, today! Do you hear what Jesus says? He desires a heart, a whole heart. Today, is it mine and yours?*“O come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” (Psalm 95:6,7).
We are ‘His people’…those who worship Him with their whole heart! Oh yes, we are the ‘lost sheep of Israel!’ …
* Do not look at his appearance…For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1Sam. 16:7).
*”How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. With my whole heart I have sought You; O let me not wander from Your commandments! Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O LORD!” (Psalm 119:9-12).
“I just want to be a sheep… Pray the Lord my soul to keep! I just want to be a sheep! I don’t want to be a Pharisee… ’cause they’re not fair, you see – I just want to be a sheep! Baa,Baa,Baa Baa!!”
'Even better than life, is the lovingkindness of the Lord.'
I repost this writing after a brother in Christ and wonderful witness of God’s love and hope went home to be with the Lord, on this day, 2 years ago. He is alive today in heaven with God and STILL inspires me everyday to put ‘Jesus First’. Thank you Paul Loures for your courage and continual hope in God, as you battled a very difficult disease…
When the wisdom of the day comes in a child's play
Words all around. At my fingertips. Right now.
Experts in weather, in “breaking news,” and opinion. I become “all knowing” in my studies. Information becomes a treasure.
Pictures invite, I read and receive.
And “the heavens declare the glory of God, . . .” but am I too busy?
Has life’s experience allowed for a wall to be built to protect me from experiencing more pain. I keep busy to drown out the deep, internal rain.
But then, a child sings, unawares, a song well learned, with wisdom beyond years: “The wise man built his house upon the Rock. And the rains came tumb’lin down.”
With energy and joy, simplicity of verse: “The rains came down and the floods came up,” . . .
Floods of truth come “tumbling” in, as a child sings with more wisdom than professors. Revelation comes. It’s not about “if” the rains come down. It’s about “when.” And the real question here, is “what is my foundation?”
“The foolish man built his house upon the sand, and the rains came tumblin’ down . . .” continued the song from the child not four.
The “when” of the trial is here, front and center. But I forgot about foundation. I lost my way. But the Rock never moves. The Rock never changes, though the “rains come down and the floods come up.” “The house on the Rock stood firm.”
People’s opinions and hypocrisy in church, have built a thick wall on unstable sand. The rains and the floods have come over my head, I seek the One whom, I remember The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
He is there, even when the flood waters are up to my face. He is filled with mercy and kindness, even in my disgrace. When all forsake me, He is there. He even calls my name. My own name He calls.
“The heavens declare the glory of God, . . . Day after day pours forth speech, and night after night shows forth knowledge.”
the house on the Rock stood firm!”
“The just shall live by faith,”
“It is finished.” these are My final earthly words – Remember Me! Remember the Son!” (John 19:30).
“So, will you build your house on the Rock with each new day? Perhaps a new song for the battle to say? It’s old though, it’s found in Habakkuk 3: “Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail. Though the fields yield no food, and flock be cut off from the fold… Yet I will rejoice in the LORD” (Hab. 3: 17,18).” Will you consider, with each day you wake to put your trust in ME?
Be as a child. Sing to one another in songs old and new, be wise! Make melody in your heart to the Rock of all Ages – ages 2 to 92, ‘giving thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’!
This is Rock on which you stand : Praying without ceasing with upheld hands, trusting in Me – that I hear you! Do not fear! I give you a Spirit of power and love and a mind that is sound. (2 Tim. 1:7). I AM the Rock! I will pour My blessings, even though dark clouds be all around!”
“The prayers go up and the blessings come down! The prayers go up and the blessings come down! The prayers go up and the blessing come down… “the just shall live by faith.” (Hab. 2:4). “Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines… Yet,.. I will joy in the God of my Salvation.” (Hab. 3:18), “For, He has not given me a spirit to fear, but of power and love,… and yes, I have a mind that is sound!”
“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” These words are written in red by the Son, “And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.” (Mark 10: 15,16). “Yes Lord, I believe. On You, I will wait! Help me be ‘as a child.’ Increase my faith!”
"Cross-fitness! Step #1, Tie your laces and listen to a story!
“Cross-fitness! To be fit to know Christ and Him crucified. This is no time to be flabby, when it comes to eternity! The earth’s final days draw ever so near. Have you ever read the words: “heaven and earth shall pass away…” (Matthew 24:35). ‘Logos’, the Word, came in the flesh and communicated this, and even more: “but My words will by no means pass away.” (Matthew 24:35). Jesus speaks very clear.
There’s no guessing, there are no ‘opinions’ about it, do you want Cross-fitness? It will not always be ‘fun!’ This question must be understood: “what is wise, and what’s a fool?” This IS Step #1! Don’t be offended, but it’s time to understand – this is the first step in fitness is to know God – because the ‘way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.’ (Proverbs 12:15).
” Tie up your laces, get your ‘walking shoes on!’ ‘Listen to advise and accept instruction, and in the end, you will be wise.'(Proverbs 19:20, NIV). There is communication from God, ‘Logos’, ‘the Word was God’ (John 1:1) has spoken. Come, there’s a story you’ve got to hear. It paints a picture of the wise and the fool – making the meaning crystal clear.
“Now I know some of you are saying, (to yourself perhaps), “Hey, wait a minute, you’re moving way too fast! You’re killing me with pointed words – like wise and fool – They’re poking and messin’, and my heart’s anger is full – and “I really don’t like you, in case you wanted to know.”
“I know all about that, they rejected my Lord. But He loves you and cares, Yes, He cares for your soul.”
‘So, this is the story, for whoever will hear: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is like 10 maidens. They gathered their lamps to prepare to meet their Bridegroom.’ (Matthew 25:1). This represents all who seek God. The words are in red and they say very clear that 5 were wise and 5 were’,…don’t be upset but the words are a bit ‘ish’ ,but the story is told: ‘5 were wise, and 5 were foolish!’
“The 5 who were foolish took their lamps with no oil. Trusting in themselves and their own works to finish. But the wise filled their vessels with oil – knowing there is nothing in and of themselves to do it, so they called upon Jesus to fill them with His Spirit.”
“The Bridegroom was delayed in His coming, it is told, so the maidens, all 10, laid down and slept. But at midnight, the ‘Cry’ was finally heard: “Go out to meet Him! The Bridegroom is coming!” So the 10 maidens woke and made ready for the Wedding!
“After trimming their lamps and preparing to leave , the foolish 5 said to the 5 that were wise, “Give us some oil! Our lamps are going out!” But the 5 who were wise said to the foolish, “No, for there isn’t enough for us and for you, but rather go and buy from those who sell it! (Matthew 25:9). You have to ask Jesus, to fill you with His Holy Spirit!”
So, ‘the 5 with no oil, went out to buy…but the Bridegroom came,” the story unfolds! “And those who were ready, the 5 maidens with oil, went in with Him to the wedding; and the door was then shut!” This is exactly as the story is told, and it’s typed in red letters because they are spoken by the LORD!
“Oh my! I wonder what the 5 maidens were thinking: “It must have been true, when Jesus then said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6). We rejected His counsel! Oh, how we hated those words! We believed many roads can lead us to heaven.”
From Matthew 25 verses 1 to 13, we read the story written in red: ‘Afterward, the maidens came to the door, saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us!’ “But He answered and said, “I don’t know you.” Yes, these are the very words that were spoken by Him!
Verse 13 of Matthew 25 says, “‘Watch therefore, for you know not the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” We must understand, while it’s still in our power, to choose to be wise and not foolish today. To listen to the Voice of the Bridegroom give warning and have our lamps ready and filled with the oil, the oil of the Spirt, that the Father gives so freely! Have you called out to Him and believed in His Son? This IS Step #1!
This is hard stuff! This is Cross fitness! The Father gave us ‘choice’ that we might choose to love Him. To listen to His word and believe on His Son! Yes, Wisdom calls aloud, in Proverbs Chapter 1: “Wisdom calls aloud…She raises her voice…How long you simple ones, will you love simplicity?’ For scorners delight in their scorning” each day “and fools hate knowledge” as the speak loudly their own way. “Turn at My reproof; I will pour My Spirit on you…” (Proverbs 1:20-23). “Maidens, fill your vessels with oil, for without Me you can do nothing! (John 15:3). Be wise today, and call on My name!”
‘Watch therefore, please don’t be foolish’ I, the Bridegroom speak, hear My voice, even now, though I delay: “Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out My hand and no one regarded, Because you disdained all of my counsel, and would have none of My reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes…Then they will call on Me, but I will not answer; They will seek Me diligently, they they will not find Me. Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the ‘fear of the LORD,…
“The Bridegroom is coming!” The cry will soon be heard! It is time for ‘Cross-fitness’! Yes NOW is the time! This is a hard story, but it was spoken by Truth in letters of red, that the whole world would know that the Marriage of the Lamb is soon! And the Bride? If she be wise, she will know in her heart, to ask God to fill up her lamp with the oil of the Spirit and make herself ready!
"Why not just 'bake the cake?'" "We must 'trust and obey!'
I have to share this again! So many don’t know the news, and aren’t sure about the cake! What cake and when and this really doesn’t make sense! So I post again only because it’s even more than about cake makers today, but now there are judges who are being told to step down, and who knows all the other law suits and the jobs that will be lost -because, you see, ‘tolerance’ is only a one way street – it seems! So today, anyone who calls himself a ‘Christian’ – must remember that to be ‘like Christ’ might cause us to suffer in the ways He did too. So, we must pray and remember that ‘We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood’ that this is a battle against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places’! But the Winning Team has already had it’s write up! Christians, we must have courage and love and be filled with the Spirit because, ‘this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith!'(1 John 5:4, Exclamation point, mine!)
It's time for 'Cross-fitness', to 'Gird up the mind!'
Breaking news: The world system says, “OUT!” “Out with God that is! We’ve got a pen! We can write our own laws! Get those 10 commandments far removed from our eyes! We need no distractions, we are ‘wise in our own eyes!’ (Proverbs 3:7).
A call to believers in Christ throughout the world: It’s time for ‘Cross-fitness, to ‘Gird up the mind!”
“Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;…”(1 Peter 1:13).
And, not only that, the good word continues: “…as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct…”
And, yes, there is more – and that is why you must get ‘fit’, in ‘truth and ‘the way’ because the enemy hates you and wants to destroy ‘the life’ that is in you – today, yes- TODAY! You must hear the call to believers, right now: “Gird up the loins of your minds”, it is high time you hear that ‘Cross-fitness’ is a matter of life and death, for the battle will be fierce!
So, take a big breath, and make the choice to ‘believe it’ and let’s take a bite of the word, ‘bitter-sweet’: “…because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” First Peter 1:16.
The sheep of the Good Shepherd: “O God, we hear Your voice as we sit on the hill, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…”, yes, poor in spirit and ill! Help us! Help us, we are weak and unable – of ourselves to do anything that will move the mountains before us! Help us our Shepherd to ‘get into shape!”
The voice of the Good Shepherd: “Gird up your thoughts! “Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand!” (Phil 4:5). “Think on things that are noble…” Remember the hymns, “Be Still My Soul, the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently, the cross of grief or pain…”
“Stay calm, don’t panic! Recite Psalm 43 right back to Me: “Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; Oh, deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man! for You are the God of my strength; …(Psalm 43:1,2).
Remember, “without Me you can do nothing!” (John 15:5).
Speak to yourself in the Psalms and the hymns, you will discover My Spirit, My peace, which passes all understanding: “Why so downcast, O my soul,…hope in God!” (Psalm 43:5). “Thy best, thy heavenly Friend – through thorny ways, leads to a joyful end!” (from Be Still My Soul.)
The sheep of the Good Shepherd: “My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.” We are so tired, we just can’t do this, this really is too hard!”
The Good Shepherd to His flock: “Follow Me.” (Matthew 9:9). One step at a time. Follow your Savior, sing the old songs and the new and be filled with the Spirit, He will help and comfort you through. Gird up the loins of your mind and ‘get fit’! Think on what is a good report, sing back the old song: “Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide, in every change, He faithful will remain…”
My sheep hear My voice, and I’ve told you before, “In this world you will have tribulation…” (John 16:33), so don’t be surprised, upset and overwhelmed, but instead remember and ‘be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Gird up the loins of your mind and ‘get fit’ “I am your refuge and your strength, a very present help in time of trouble! (Psalm 46:1, exclamation point Mine!). Sing songs, pray without ceasing, the victory is won when your mind is ‘stayed on Me’! ‘Cross-fitness’ will lead you right to the TREE: “Though Satan should buffet, and trials should come. Let this blessed assurance control: That Christ HAS REGARDED my HELPLESS ESTATE, and He’s shed His own blood for my soul!”
“Be Still my soul!”, remind yourself over and over again! And then on top of all that proclaim with great boldness: “It is well with my soul! It is well, it is well with my soul! “I AM a help in time of trouble! My sheep hear My voice. I go before them, and My sheep follow Me. I AM not only a ‘help’ in time of trouble, I AM a VERY PRESENT HELP in time of need!: (Ps. 46:1). Gird up your thoughts and remember all these!
The Sheep of the Good Shepherd: “I am exhausted today! I will be so sore tomorrow, being brought to the cross and reminded to be ‘poor in spirit’! But the fact that “Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and He shed His own blood for my soul, this has inspired me to come back tomorrow, to ‘gird up my mind’! Cross-fitness I want!
The Good Shepherd of the Sheep who hear His voice:You will be fit as you ‘gird up your mind’ and take hold of what’s true no matter what comes through! This is the song that My sheep will be singing: “And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith!”(1 John 5:4).
The sheep of the Good Shepherd: “Increase our faith! In such times as this, Increase our faith!”
Would you like to be part of ‘Cross-fitness’ and be ‘fit’ for life eternal? There will be no more fear, save, ‘the fear of the Lord:’
“And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your sojourning here in fear;” (1 Peter 1:17),“knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold,…but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter 1:19).
“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world…Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 John 5:4,5).
From the First poems of Jared Rypkema 2007
“My child, you are mine, and nothing can change that.
So calm your heart my dear one. Though you may feel distant from my arms, they are holding you. Do not worry,I will not grow weary, and my arms will never let you down.
Be still my child. Be still. I know tomorrow. No, I will not tell you what it brings, the cares of today are enough for you. But this will give you peace: there is nothing in tomorrow that you will not be able to handle, with me by your side.
Hold on to me little one. When this world tears you apart, throws you down, and leaves you all alone. Hold on, and remember. I have been there. I know all your troubles, and I feel all your pain.
Remember, you are special to me, my beloved. Look. I’ve created the beautiful expanse of the heavens. To show you my awesome power I have laid the sands of the sea, and I know their number. But know, my thoughts of you exceed this number.
I am here for you my child. Ask and you shall receive. I am so much more than you’ve ever imagined, I am greater still
than you will ever dream.
Because you are mine there is nothing that can come between us. Only put your trust in me, my dear, precious child, and I will do the rest.
I am all you’ll ever need… Jesus
"Why not just 'bake the cake?'" "We must 'trust and obey!'
“Who do you think you are, not accepting our choices! You’ve caused us great distress! Even our blood pressure rises!”
“We are so sorry you are hurt by the denial of service, but you see these hands were made to bake cakes. We’ve been given a gift from God, our cakes are an offering of worship!”
“Those are your beliefs, they are not mine! You’re a bakery and we need a cake, we demand you bake, or we’ll take you to court. See how you feel after you’ve been presented a lofty and great fine!”
“You have your freedoms to make the choices you make, but won’t you respect ours? That in faith, because of those choices, we simply can’t bake!”
“You have brought our blood to the boiling point now!” You’re judge-mental, ‘holier than thou’- is this what you call love?’ You will be sorry! We will make sure of that, and HOW!”
“For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit…” (Romans 1:9). We know that “…that the LORD, He is God; It is He who made us and not we ourselves;” Psalm 100:3). We have vowed in our hearts to live faithful to Him, even to 212 degrees, to the ‘boiling point’ if you may, to be concerned with what God says- not be swayed by man! The bottom line is: there is a God, and we choose to walk in His Way!”
“Well, you are free to worship how you may in your churches, but when you are in schools or in town or in business, you must obey the law which has changed, don’t you know? Who do you think you are, denying this service? We wanted a cake, and you outright said, “No!”
“It is because God loves you and me both that we must refuse. We must take a stand for God, it’s a matter of ‘life and death’ -we ALL need the Good News! We got on our knees before the bakery doors opened, and we asked our Father in heaven to help us to ‘walk in the light’. That the sweet cakes we bake would give glory to Him, so, each day He gives us, we bake and give thanks, that ‘the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin!'” (1John 1:7). And that includes you, ‘there’s none righteous, no not one’ (Rom 3:10), that is why God sent His only Son!
“God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:5). ‘There is a way, to a man that seems right,… but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12). We all need a Savior, ‘all we like sheep have gone astray…!’ (Is. 53:6) Our hands do the baking, but the product speaks of His love. We lay down our lives, as He did for us, even, above the law (that seems to change each day), in full, whole-hearted surrender, “Yes, Jesus – in You, we ‘trust and obey!'”
“When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will, He abides with us still, And with all who will Trust and obey.”
“Not a shadow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly drives it away! While we do His good will, He abides with us still, And with all who will Trust and obey.”
“But we never can prove The delights of His love, Until all on the altar we lay; For the favor He shows, And the joy He bestows Are for them who will Trust and obey.”
“There is fellowship sweet We will sit at His feet, Or we’ll walk by His side in the way; What He says we will do, Where He sends we will go, Never fear, only Trust and obey” Trust and obey, for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey.” (Trust and Obey John H. Sammis, 1887).
“Why not just bake the cake?” “Because we have made the choice to ‘Trust and obey’ that others may come to His light and pray!”