Gaze at the Christmas Tree, Differently . . .

(To be read for the children, both young and old, that our minds might be refreshed. Let a new picture unfold.)

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree, how richly God has decked Thee:

Christmas is here! Look at the tree.

Sit and be still.

Let us gaze, differently.

It sits on its stand so high and so grand.

Wrapped in light, what a glorious sight,

bearing ornaments of love from each branch.

But think for a moment, living trees are far.

Alive and growing in beauty,

then, we come in our car.

We search.

We choose.

Then we cut down the tree.

We open our door and let it in, happily.

Broken and dead the tree had become,

yet, now beautifully alive.

Does this make you think of Someone?

The Christmas tree can be a picture of Jesus.

He came down from heaven to die on the cross.

to be cut and broken . . .  

for each one of us.

He rose again, in glory and light.

Just like the ChristmasTree that we now have inside.

What happens to a heart, much like the door, that allows the cut Vine a place on the floor?

No longer distant, but close.

Now near.

Jesus died that all of our guilt is cleared.

We ask Him in.

We believe in His love.

We call on Jesus,

for His promises of Love.

“I will never leave you.

 I will never forsake.

I am your helper. You no longer need be afraid.

Call on Me.

I will answer.

I Am your Bright and Morning Star.

I Am your light,

your glory.

I make new all you are.


And bring Christmas to others throughout the year.

I make you a blessing, a gift, each day.

Seek, to be still, . . . know Me . . .draw near.

And, I in turn, will draw near to you. 

that you might shine for Me in all you do.

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
How richly God has decked thee!
Thou bidst us true and faithful be,
And trust in God unchangingly.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!