Jesus came as a baby. This we remember.
God gave the greatest gift to the entire world. We hear hymns of, Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King. And we respond, as we choose gifts for those we love.
And we remember Easter. God’s greatest provision for us by sending His precious Lamb to earth, to die on the cross that He might pay our debt of sin, the debt we could never be free of on our own.
But we forget, He’s coming back again. And it is very soon.
We know how to clean up house for guests, but our we ready for the return and second coming of the King of Kings?
Jesus is coming soon.
We must let this awesome and fearful news wake us up and make preparations in our heart, mind, and spirit. Do we know Jesus? He came not to condemn the world, as John 3:17 reminds us, but Jesus came “in order that the world might be saved through Him.”
Don’t forget: Jesus loves you. He’s on your side. Don’t be tempted to turn your back to Him. He will never do that to you.
And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here Romans 13:11,12.
If your heart is touched by the soon arrival of the King of Kings, and you’re house is out of order, or you aren’t sure your door has been opened to Him, simply talk to Him, and pray a prayer from your heart, (along these lines, or perhaps not,) telling Jesus,
“I’m sorry for my sins. Forgive me of all of them.
Change me Lord.
Help me let go of my past hurts and losses, each and every one of them.
Help me believe You Jesus and know You more. Make me a new creation. Fill me with Your Spirit that I might have Your peace, hope, and resurrection power working in me to love in a true and real way.
In Jesus name, Amen.”