My morning song…

The Lord is my Shepherd – He loves me like no other. There is no love on earth like His. He cherishes me. He adores me. He is on my side. His love is patient and kind toward me, always and forever. He never changes. There are no conditions…He loves me so completely, and when I abide in His love, ‘pickled with His affection’, I suffer no lack, no lack at all. His Spirit fills me with a morning song.
He is my Husband, in heaven it is true, but He pours out His unconditional love on me and showers me from head to toe and deep within with His grace so sufficient. He lifts me on ‘eagles wings’, with no strings attached to His house of love. He makes me to dwell in His house of love, even though my feet still walk among the thorns, even though my feet still walk among the thorns,…
when I abide in HIs love, I suffer no lack, no lack at all. This is my morning song.
Even when I walk in cold and dark places, I shall not want because the Lord is my Shepherd, He cares for me. He takes hold of me with His right hand. He guides me with counsel unlike another. He delights in me and will show me the way. So I ‘turn to kiss’ my Shepherd King, I turn to give Him my love. And though my ‘heart and flesh fail’ often, He receives me still. He receives me still. The Lord is my Shepherd, He laid down His life for me. I have all that I need,…today, I have all that I need. This is my morning song.
By evening, I might not be singing this beautiful song. But You love me still. You love me still. Help me to abide in Your house of love, and Be Still. But if not, You ‘make me to lie down’, because of Your all-knowing love and then I discover the pastures of green are a peace beyond my comprehension, and I see two companions You’ve given to me, Goodness and Mercy and they follow me. My Jesus, I love You, more than any other. My Husband, my Friend, You are always with me, sticking closer than even a brother.
There is nothing I need as I abide in Your Love. Will You keep me, and not let me stray far away. Help me remember, though just a sheep I am -help me keep singing my love songs to You – morning, and evening, and all the day through.