The true Valentine keeps promises to His own.
To all who receive Him, He makes their heart His home.
He is the Vine, our Valentine.
He asks that we abide and unite with His Word and fruit will come forth bringing glory to the Lord:
Speak aloud age-old hymns and be revived in the soul. Actively respond, and discover, it is so:
“Quicken’d by thee, and kept alive, I flourish and bear fruit; My life I from thy sap derive, My vigour from thy root.
I can do nothing without thee; My strength is wholly thine: Wither’d and barren should I be, If sever’d from the vine. (1)
He is faithful. That we might trust Him more and more.
Faith grows as we hear His Letters of love. Ears that hear, with souls refreshed, as words are read of Jesus’ faithfulness:
“Come just as you are, for Jesus invites Poor sinners to share substantial delights: Ye weary and burden’d who happy would be, And wish to be pardon’d, come listen to me.”
“The ear of your heart if you will incline To you I’ll impart my fulness divine, Your souls by my Spirit made meet for the sky, The life shall inherit which never shall die.” (2)
Valentine comfort. Valentine hope. This is Jesus, to all whose heart will take hold.
“My precious Lord, for thy dear name I bear the cross, despise the shame; Nor do I faint while thou art near; I lean on thee; how can I fear?
No other name but thine is given To cheer my soul in earth or heaven; No other wealth will I require; No other friend can I desire.”
Yea, into nothing would I fall For thee alone, my All in All; To feel thy love, my only joy; To tell thy love, my sole employ.”(3)
He makes beauty from ashes. Will you join me in praise? His Name together, with thankful hearts, raise!
(1) From Spurgeon’s Devotional Bible
(2) From Spurgeon’s Devotional Bible
(3) From Spurgeon’s Devotional Bible
Picture Credit: LegacyandCo